History of Baalbek
This Phoenician city, where a triad of deities was worshipped, was known as Heliopolis during the Hellenistic period. It retained its religious function during Roman times, when the sanctuary of the Heliopolitan Jupiter attracted thousands of pilgrims.Etymology
The etymology of Baalbek has been debated indecisively since the 18th century. Cook took it to mean "Baʿal (Lord) of the Beka" and Donne as "City of the Sun". Lendering asserts that it is probably a contraction of Baʿal Nebeq ("Lord of the Source" of the Litani River).
Its population is estimated at approximately 333 000 inhabitants, equivalent to 9% of the total population of Lebanon.
History and Administration
The city of Baalbek reached its apogee during Roman times. Its colossal constructions built over a period of more than two centuries, make it one of the most famous sanctuaries of the Roman world and a model of Imperial Roman architecture.
Baalbeck-Hermel governorate relies primarily on agriculture as the main economic sector. Also, most of Baalbeck-Hermel inhabitants work in agriculture and most of these farmers are small farmers that need support. AVD project activities are designed to support these farmers in all phases starting from plantation to marketing and selling the final products and crops. The project also aims at introducing new value chains’ techniques and new market channels that will help the farmers sell their crops at good prices, thus boosting economy and bringing welfare to this sector as a whole. This will be achieved through incorporating farmers in already-established agricultural cooperatives, or establishing new ones. 600 farmers (Lebanese and Syrians) will be directly benefitting from the project activities through various support mechanisms.
Apple,Rose,Onions and Sugar-cane.
Famous Things
This district is famous for its Handicrafts mainly Pottery , Wooden crafts and Spices produced specially in Baalbek.